Flight-Net provides the ideal software interface for all SITA, Telex, email and fax messages integrating the complete data handling solution.
Flight-Net is based on the successful Telex-Net multi-message application which provides links to a Microsoft Exchange Mail Server. IATA messages may be prepared in Microsoft Outlook and sent to a designated mailbox. The Flight-Net software automatically reads this mailbox and forwards the message to IATA's global telecommunications network.
The Outlook user is informed when the message has been passed to the IATA communications server. Incoming messages from IATA are received and stored in the Flight-Net database. The incoming message can be retrieved or automatically sent to one or more Microsoft Exchange Mailboxes or printed to specified printers on the network. The software scans the incoming message for required matches e.g. a particular IATA address and forwards it to a designated Microsoft Exchange Mailbox. Many messages relate to individual departments and, again, these may be automatically forwarded for the attention of a department or user. This user or department may review messages relating to their area of responsibility. Once a message has been forwarded via MS Exchange, printed or directed to a specified department it is flagged as being "Actioned". Any messages which are not actioned are passed to an operator for attention who may redirect as required.
Using Microsoft Outlook a user can prepare, send or receive IATA messages, putting the unique seven letters IATA address as the top line of the message. These messages can also be sent to other Internet or internal e-mail addresses using any of the Outlook facilities. Incoming messages are directed to the user's mailbox to provide a single product messaging system. A user can request the forwarding of incoming or outgoing messages by sending a request to a facilities management mailbox within Flight-Net.
Flight-Net Operator Facilities
High volume IATA message users may wish to use Flight-Net's operator facilities module which provides an easy to use package to prepare, send and review IATA messages.
Messages may be prepared and sent using facilities which include import from other messages, text files or the Windows Clipboard. Lists of incoming and outgoing messages are displayed, according to type or department.
Where the Telex-Net module is implemented, users may also send and receive telex messages from the same system, thus providing an integrated solution.
Integration with Telex-Net
Flight-Net and the telex software, Telex-Net, may be integrated into the same system.
Both IATA and telex messages may be sent and received through a common database using either Microsoft Outlook or the bespoke operator facilities.
Features of Flight-Net
- Messages may be prepared, sent and received using a standard Windows application, Microsoft Outlook.
- Minimum user training.
- Automatic redirection, printing and categorisation of incoming messages according to the content.
- Reassurance for an organisation that all-incoming messages are actioned.
- A "single application" messaging system for all IATA, telex, fax and e-mail essages, both internal and Internet mail.
- Search and redirection facilities on all incoming and outgoing messages.
- Well proven bespoke software for high volume IATA message users.
Potential Users
Any IATA/ telex messaging users including:-
- Airlines
- Aircraft manufacturers
- Parts suppliers
- Charter companies
- Airline catering companies
- Aircraft repair and maintenance companies
- Freight companies
- Airport management companies
- Air Traffic Control and outgoing messages.